Thursday, August 20, 2015

Change it Up

Like I stated before, I don't always stick to the menu.  However, when I do change it up I make sure that I have the ingredients at home already.  Last night while scrolling through Facebook I saw that a couple of people had shared a recipe for chocolate gravy and biscuits.  The kids and I love chocolate gravy (Adam thinks it's too sweet for a breakfast food).  After seeing it posted a few times, I began craving it.  Therefore, tonight's dinner has changed.  Actually this week has changed a couple times now.  We were scheduled to have poppy seed chicken on Tuesday, but I had to have some emergency tests ran on Tuesday and everything got thrown off.  We all just ate whatever we could find for dinner, and we had the poppy seed chicken last night.  Tonight was then supposed to be Texas toast pizzas and now it is being changed to breakfast for dinner.  We will have biscuits, gravy, chocolate gravy, bacon, ham, eggs, and maybe hash browns.

I just wanted to show y'all that just because I make a menu does not, by any means, mean that I have each meal on the exact date that I put it.  Everything is flexible!

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Planning Ahead

A couple days before I made my menu I decided that I would take a couple of the meals, double them while I make the dish and then freeze one of them. This way I will slowly build a supply and then have something ready for those crazy nights. This time I will be doubling the poppyseed chicken and the chicken enchiladas. For the poppyseed chicken I will leave off the crackers. When I make freezer meals I put them in disposable aluminum pans, cover with plastic wrap and then cover again with foil. I also will write the name of the dish and the instructions to finish it on the foil. This is for nights when I won't be home or I am sick and I turn dinner over to my husband. That should say 1 stick of butter for 2 sleeves of crackers.

Monday, August 17, 2015

Meal Plan August 17-September 2

Here is the plan for the next couple weeks:

8/17: Brats, hot dogs, potato salad
8/18: Poppyseed Chicken, mixed vegetables (I don't really use a recipe for this, but this is close)
8/19: Texas Toast Pizza
8/20: Fried Chicken, mashed potatoes
8/21: Burritos & Tacos, chips & salsa
8/22: Pork loin, roasted potatoes, green beans
8/23: Out for lunch
8/24: Meatloaf, mashed potatoes, carrots (as the blog suggests, I use 1/2 the amount of brown sugar)
8/25: Ham, sweet potatoes, green beans
8/26: AWANA (pizza provided)
8/27: Pork chops, stuffing, carrots
8/28: Stroganoff, green beans, toast
8/29: Chicken enchiladas
8/30: Casual Sunday at church, taking Brats & Hot Dogs to grill, potato salad, brownies
8/31: White Beans with ham, cornbread
9/1: Baked ravioli, salad, garlic toast
9/2: AWANA (sandwiches or fast food)

If you have any questions about anything I've listed, comment and I'll try to let you know!


Meal planning is something that is a must for our family.  If I don't plan what we will eat during each pay period then we will either eat out WAY too much or go over budget on groceries because of all the running into the store I have to do for each meal.
There have been a few times that people have asked me what is on the menu when they know that I have been working on my menu.  Therefore, this blog will serve as a place to put all of my meals so that others can see what we eat as well as a place that I can go to to find what I had planned.  When I post the menu I will include a link to the recipe if that recipe is available online.  Most will be because I do not really enjoy to cook and I do not have my mother's skills of just throwing ingredients together to make an amazing dish.  Look out later today for our menu for the last half of August into the first week of September.  You will notice dates next to meals, but I am very flexible and will change things around if I decide that doesn't sound good for that night or if something comes up and I don't have the time for the dish I originally had planned.