Saturday, September 16, 2017

Last half of September Meal Plan

I never got my meal plan done for September, so I finally sat down today and put together a plan for the remainder of the month.  Starting next week my daughter will have volleyball practices on Wednesdays and Fridays with games on Thursdays and Saturdays.  From now until the end of October those days will be really fast/really simple/crockpot meals.

9/16: Sausage Rotel Dip (we've had a lazy day and just went easy)
9/17: Leftovers
9/18: Calzones and breadsticks
9/19: Shake-n-bake pork chops, carrots, stuffing
9/20: Chick-fil-a school fundraiser
9/21: Orange chicken and fried rice
9/22: BBQ meatballs and mashed potatoes
9/23: Helping friends move
9/24: Out
9/25: Potato Soup
9/26: Turkey breast, green beans, sweet potatoes
9/27: Grab a sandwich or fast food before Awana
9/28: Spaghetti, green beans
9/29: Roast hot dogs and s'mores
9/30: Smoked pork butt, potato salad, baked beans